Health Benefits of Ground Almonds
Almonds are among the world’s most beneficial tree nuts. They are full of nutritious and rich elements, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Here are a few health benefits of almonds. Almonds are Nutrients Rich: Do you know the health benefits of almonds ? An ounce of almonds is about a quarter cup or 23 whole nuts. It provides a good amount of heart-healthy fat, along with 6 g of plant protein, 4 g of filling fiber (13% of the daily minimum), half of the amount of vitamin E you need regularly, and 20% for magnesium along with B vitamins and some amounts of calcium, iron, and potassium. They are Packed With Antioxidant: Almonds are a good source of antioxidants much of which stay in their brown layer of skin. One study (partly funded by the Almond Board of California), found that if men and women consume 2.5 ounces of almonds daily, blood levels biomarker for oxidative stress decreases by as much as 27% over one month. Oxidative stress is related to the imbalance between the pro...